Real Property Management Preferred

Keep Your Kitchen Tidy with Organized Shelves and Cabinets

Keeping your Kingwood kitchen orderly requires more than just cleaning it regularly. Moreover, it means using a good organization strategy to keep your dishes, pans, and food items within easy reach and where they belong. In all kitchens, cabinet and shelf space is limited. Conversely, by adopting some clever organizing hacks, you can quickly make the most of the storage space in your rental home’s kitchen.

An essential requirement when organizing a kitchen is a clear separation between the items you put in your upper cabinets, your lower cabinets, and your shelves. It is a good idea to keep dishes and glasses, cookbooks, and other often-used items in upper cabinets. If your kitchen has a pantry, organize all your foodstuffs, don’t just toss them in aimlessly. Try grouping items according to food or container type, frequency of use, and so on. If you collect and have pretty dishes or glassware, consider displaying them on open shelves in eye-pleasing groupings. Lower cabinets are best for heavy pots and pans, small appliances, mixing bowls, and cleaning products. Don’t forget to install cabinet locks for safety.

Once you have decided on the final placements of your items, the 2nd step is to develop an organizational strategy. Just stick to the simplest ones. One of these is to organize kitchen shelves, cabinets, and drawers using organizers designed for that purpose. Just as silverware trays keep your utensils neatly in their place, this is also a fact for knife blocks and spice racks. A chaotic spice cabinet can make cooking in your kitchen a frustrating experience. But along with organization, you can strategically position your favorite spices while putting some of the lesser-used items toward the back.

If store-bought kitchen organizers are too limiting or too expensive, consider repurposing other types of organizers for use in the kitchen. Case in point, a simple magazine holder can also be used to keep jars and random items from rolling everywhere. They can also be repurposed to organize cleaning supplies, with the always needed items placed in the front. Another office-to-kitchen crossover item is the file folder. If you can procure an inexpensive large metal file organizer, it could be placed in a cabinet to keep baking pans, lids, and other loose items tidy. To hold the file rack in its proper place, use a rubber-backed shelf liner or some hook-and-loop tape.

As for canned foods, they can be a real problem. One simple way to keep canned goods organized is to make use of wire shelving designed for closets. The underside of wire closet shelving typically has a lip that, when tilted at a 45-degree angle, can make an excellent cabinet rack. As a can is used, all remaining cans will shift downward, making it easier to check your stock at a glance. Along with a simple hack like this, you can never experience the hunt for loose cans or have a hard time seeing what is in that messy cabinet ever again.

Finally, a great way to keep cleaning products organized and off the cabinet floor is to use a simple tension rod. By installing a tension rod inside a lower cabinet, you can then hang spray bottles, rags, and gloves. This technique will keep your items off the cabinet floor and your favorite things within easy grasp.

Organizing kitchen shelves and cabinets can be a real time-saver. It lets you easily decipher the things you need and those that are still on hand. With a few simple strategies and a remodeled item or two, you can have the organized kitchen shelves and cabinets you’ve always wanted.

Are you looking for the perfect Kingwood kitchen to organize and make your own? Discuss your needs with Real Property Management Preferred at 281-894-9111 or browse our rental listings online!